Harriet Tubman is famous for her work on the Underground Railroad but this mural is devoted to sharing the incredible but lesser known aspects of her life after she settled here in Auburn. The mural depicts these accomplishments in a single image through various scenes that merge like a collage.
These scenes include her participation in the Combahee River Raid which freed hundreds of people from slavery and her service as a nurse during the Civil War. Her strong Christian faith is represented by the Thompson Memorial AME Zion Church, where she worshiped while living in Auburn. She partnered with this church to establish the Harriet Tubman Home for the Aged, which took care of the elderly, many of whom were formerly enslaved and without family. She campaigned for women's suffrage, touring New York, Boston, and Washington DC to give speeches to advocate for the women's vote and human rights. She is also shown touring her successful farm, which sold a wide variety of crops and animals as well as a brick kiln business, where she created the bricks used to build her own home which is shown behind her. The feature of this mural is her iconic portrait at right, which creates an immediate connection with Harriet Tubman and the other scenes.
This short description can’t capture the depths of her life but it shows how her legendary work on the Underground Railroad overshadows her other accomplishments. The details of her rich legacy are known to those who avidly study her life and history but remain unknown to the public at large. This may be the first mural of Harriet Tubman that shares her unknown legacy with the public in a way that is both beautiful and educational.